台灣服裝設計師品牌SHOUSHOU/ 咻咻,運用獨特手繪與立體剪裁技巧,創作獨一無二的藝術T-shirt,追求獨特個人風格別錯過囉!
”SHOUSHOU” art to wear 與暱稱最喜歡的人事物的法文chouchou(音似:咻咻)相同,由藝術家曾首瑞於2017年創立的服裝品牌。藝術家先後畢業於藝術學院、島內流浪、進而去巴黎接受歐洲文化洗禮。回台後決定將自己的藝術做成T恤。是做獨一無二的衣服,是風格,更是人生哲學。畫家魂不只波西米亞,連他做的T恤都得踏上尋找合適主人的旅程。
“SHOUSHOU” art to wear, founded in 2017 by taiwanese artist Shou-Jui Tseng, who changed his field from painting to fashion. By carry these creative experiences in art, he experiments fabrics, colors, figure, volume, reconstructing his canvas into fashion design. Having the same pronunciation in French “chouchou”, which usually means the person or things special to you. Almost entirely his unique t-shirt are made by artist himself.